Hello everyone!!! Today I'm going to talk to you about what I'd like to study after I finish my college career. I am currently pursuing the third year of forestry engineering and I think it is a little hasty to think about starting to study something else when I do not finish these studies yet. First I would like to finish the race well and work for a while to generate experience on the ground. But if I have also thought about studying in the future, I am interested in doing a diploma in the same faculty, a Diploma in "Integrated Water Resource Management in the Face of Variability and Climate Change", I am very interested in doing this issue as I believe that water is a really important issue worldwide and I would very much like to learn more about this resource and the implications that climate change can have on it. Preferably I would like to study in person, as I think this is how you learn more, although I know it is difficult as it would have to accommodate the...