
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020


 Hello everyone!!! Today I'm going to talk to you about what I'd like to study after I finish my college career. I am currently pursuing the third year of forestry engineering and I think it is a little hasty to think about starting to study something else when I do not finish these studies yet. First I would like to finish the race well and work for a while to generate experience on the ground. But if I have also thought about studying in the future, I am interested in doing a diploma in the same faculty, a Diploma in "Integrated Water Resource Management in the Face of Variability and Climate Change", I am very interested in doing this issue as I believe that water is a really important issue worldwide and I would very much like to learn more about this resource and the implications that climate change can have on it. Preferably I would like to study in person, as I think this is how you learn more, although I know it is difficult as it would have to accommodate the


 Hello everyone!!! Today I'm going to talk to you about what I'd like to work on in the future. Actually, I couldn't say clearly what I'd like to work on, since school I always knew I wanted to study in college, but not specifically what career or where, I've never been doing big plans for the future and for the time being I'm still the same. Just as I have also not decided on which area of the career I specialize in, as I like most of them and over the last three years has been changing my preference from one area to another. At the moment my favorite areas are those related to Soil and Water. Although I do not know what kind of specific work I would like to have, but I know that I would like to work abroad, on the ground, since I like to be moving and in contact with nature observing and learning every day and that, if possible travel a lot, it would be very nice to be knowing new places constantly. Preferably I would like to work in southern Chile, in a cold,

How did I choose my career ?

Hello everyone!!! I'm going to tell you a little bit about how I decided to study Forestry Engineering In my senior year of school, I started preparing to take the PSU test, although I still didn't know I wanted to study, search the internet and report on several careers, but none of them convinced me, so I decided to wait and see how I was doing on the test. After giving up the PSU, I went with a friend to the University of Chile career fair and that's where I met the ForestRy Engineering Career, I had never heard of it before, they talked to me a lot about it and I loved it. I am very pleased to have to be in contact with nature learning from the various processes that occur and that are characterized by the climate, soil, flora and fauna that give origins in some cases to areas with unique characters. After informing myself well I decided to apply for the race and already in the third year I can say that I do not regret the decision I make, through it I have known beauti


 Hello everyone!!! In this post I will tell you about what I consider the best film, the truth I have no preference for some genre of cinema or some specific director, Since there are a lot of films that are of different genres that I like. For me one of the best films are Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy, The Trilogy consists of the films titled, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises which starred the famous actor Christian Bale who played eccentric Bruce Wayne, also featured other renowned actors such as Gary Oldman, Heath Ledger, Michael Caine , Morgan Freeman, joseph gordon-levitt and Anne Hathaway. They show a more up-to-date version of the Batman of the      comics, but without leaving behind the character's darkness. the films were released between 2005-2012 and were highly acclaimed by the public, thus generating large collections of money. Regarding previous interpretations of Batman's story, this trilogy is one of the best-rated adapt